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eldp-white Leila Haveia-Fleming-Staffler

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Calendar iconUpdated March 11, 2025

Leila Staffler is an accomplished educator, public servant, and leader in the Northern Mariana Islands with expertise in education reform, workforce development, policy implementation, and community engagement. Her career reflects strong skills in strategic planning, change management, stakeholder collaboration, and shared leadership.

Leila began her career in 2001 as a teacher and advanced to roles as vice principal and principal, serving in school administration from 2010 to 2020. In 2020, she was elected to the 22nd CNMI House of Representatives as part of a historic group of eight women leaders, marking the largest female representation to date in the CNMI Legislature. In 2022, she made history again as the lieutenant governor candidate on the first all-female gubernatorial ticket. Though the ticket did not advance to the runoff, her leadership earned her a role in the new administration, and she was sworn in as CNMI Secretary of Labor in January 2023.

Beyond her public service, Leila is also a documentary filmmaker focused on preserving the untouched landscapes and cultural artifacts of the Mariana Islands. Her films provide place-based learning resources for educators and engage both local and global audiences, including the Marianas diaspora. 

Leila Staffler holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Willamette University and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Western Governors University.

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Island Governments Address Audit and Workforce Challenges at IGFOA 2024 Winter Meeting

Calendar iconDec 19, 2024

news widget detailed news by  Monique WedderburnMonique

The Island Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) convened its annual winter meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, from December 10-12, 2024. The conference brought together public sector finance leaders and their staff from across the insular jurisdictions, including the Commonwealth of the...

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Association of Pacific Island Public Auditors Successfully Completes 35th Annual Conference in Koror, Palau

Calendar iconOct 02, 2024

news widget detailed news by  Monique WedderburnMonique

The 35th Annual Association of Pacific Islands Public Auditors (APIPA) Conference, themed "Bridging the Gap of Public Accountability and Transparency," and nicknamed APIPA 2024, successfully concluded in Koror, Palau, on August 30, 2024.

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Photos from recent activities hosted by the Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI) in support of conferences, training and leadership development, are available below.