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Applications to the ELDP Class of 2025 are now closed. The deadline was November 1, 2024.

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The Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) was developed in response to the insular areas’ growing concerns for continuity in management and technical expertise as senior leaders retire or leave government service. Here are a few issues for your consideration before applying to the ELDP:

Minimum Qualifications: To be eligible for the program, you must have been employed full-time with your government for the past two years as of the date of your application. For example, if you are applying in August 2024, you must have been continuously employed since August 2022. While a bachelor’s degree is highly recommended, it is not mandatory. We especially encourage applications from individuals working in finance, accounting, budget, and audit. However, the ELDP is open to all qualified government employees, including those from semi-autonomous agencies and component units. We value diversity in professional experience in our selection process.

Government Support: As part of the application process, you must submit a letter of support from your immediate supervisor. This letter should include your supervisor’s recommendation for your acceptance into the program and their commitment to supporting you throughout the year. It is important to encourage your supervisor to explain how your leadership development will benefit your organization. Ensure you allow ample time to obtain this important letter. Additionally, please be sure to follow your government’s protocols and formal guidelines when requesting the letter of support.

Time Commitment: Participation in the ELDP requires attending three, one-week-long training sessions and two virtual sequences to receive your Certificate of Completion. On-site sessions will be held in Guam, Majuro, and Palau, as follows::

  • Orientation (Virtual): December 16, 2024
  • Residential Session I - Guam: January 13 - 17, 2025
  • Virtual Session II: February 3 - March 10, 2025
  • Residential Session III - RMI: April 7 - 11, 2025
  • Virtual Session IV: April 21 - June 30, 2025
  • Residential Session V - Palau: July 30 - August 5, 2025
Travel typically occurs several days before and after in-person event dates, so please plan appropriately. It is essential to plan to attend the entire week of on-site sessions and the full duration of virtual sessions. Candidates who do not complete the full program will not be allowed to continue or permitted to graduate. Participants are also required to complete several assignments between sessions, some of which require a significant time commitment. These assignments include leadership interviews, book reviews, team projects, and meetings with coaches and mentors, among others. Please review the ELDP Pacific 2025 Program Description for detailed information on training dates, inter-session assignments, and graduation requirements.

Funding: If you are accepted into the program, the Graduate School USA’s Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives, with support from the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs, will cover the costs associated with your travel and participation in the ELDP. They will also fund all costs related to delivering and administering the program. The ELDP presents a unique opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and advance your career in the context of island government. We look forward to receiving your application.

Application Process: To apply for the Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP), you must submit five required documents. An optional sixth document may be included if you opt to provide a letter of support from a prior ELDP program graduate. A complete list of ELDP graduates is available online at

  1. Application Form. [required] Complete the information sheet at If you are unable to access the online form, you may manually complete the form provided on page 7 of this document.
  2. Letter of Intent. [required] Compose a letter addressed to the ELDP Selection Committee, detailing your interest in the program, your reasons for pursuing a career in public service, how you believe the ELDP will benefit your career, and your commitment to completing the program. The selection committee carefully considers your Letter of Intent as an indication of your dedication, desire to participate, and interest in serving the government.
  3. Letter of Support from Your Supervisor. [required] Your supervisor plays a crucial role in ensuring you have the time to complete assignments and attend sessions. They must write a letter of support indicating they have read the attached Program Description and will support you in this endeavor. The supervisor should also explain why you are being recommended for the program and provide specific examples of your performance in your current position that demonstrate your potential for the program and as a future leader in your government.
  4. Resume. [required] Submit a current resume that includes your formal education, professional positions, and volunteer activities. You may use a format of your choice, but please do not exceed two pages.
  5. Personal Biography. [required] Provide a brief personal biography that is suitable for public release. A sample biography may be found on page 8 of this document, and biographies for all prior ELDP graduates are available on the ELDP website at
  6. Optional Letter of Support from an ELDP Graduate. [optional] You may request an ELDP alumnus to submit a letter in support of your application. The letter should explain the relationship between you and the ELDP graduate and provide specific examples illustrating why you will succeed in the program and in your career. Past ELDP participants by jurisdiction are available at

We will only accept complete application packages. All five required items must be submitted for your application to be complete. The optional Letter of Support from an ELDP Graduate will not be considered if submitted after the application closing date.

  • Your completed application must be received no later than November 1, 2024.
  • You will be notified of your admission status no later than December 6, 2024.
  • Questions may be directed to [email protected] or +1.808.523.1650.
  • To start your ELDP application, please visit You will receive an email confirmation once your application has been received. If you do not receive confirmation of your application receipt or have any concerns about the status of your application, please contact [email protected].


The ELDP 2025 admissions screening committee is comprised of two representatives from the Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives of the Graduate School USA. The final selection committee includes two representatives from PITI-VITI, two representatives from the Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs (DOI-OIA), and one independent reviewer. The committee strives to create a diverse class representing a broad range of insular area governments, technical subject areas, gender, and experience.

Thank you again for your interest in applying to the ELDP. We look forward to receiving your application.

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