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Thanks for your interest in the Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP)! The application process is currently closed but you can sign up to be notified when the application opens. Please enter your full name and email address below. We do not share your information, and you can opt out of ELDP notifications at any time.

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content header icon of Executive Leadership Development Program ELDP Program Details


The Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) has been designed to respond to the emerging personnel needs the insular governments continue to face by providing customized leadership training to insular government employees. Program participants will meet four times over the course of one year to develop skills in leadership, management, government finance, procurement, and auditing.

Graduation Requirements

The Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) is an intensive, year-long program that includes both in-class and between-session assignments. To graduate from the program, participants must:

  • Attend all virtual and in-person sessions
  • Actively engage and participate in all activities
  • Communicate openly and in a timely manner with ELDP staff and participants
  • Complete all assignments in a timely and comprehensive manner
  • Build, monitor, and follow an Individual Leadership Development Plan
  • Positively contribute to project teams

The curriculum is described below but may be adjusted to accommodate the unique aspects of each ELDP class. A final schedule of deadlines and assignments will be provided during the opening session. The anticipated assignments and the time during the program in which they are due are:

During Program Preparation

All participants must complete two extensive surveys: the Leadership Effective Inventory (LEI), and Social Style Model (SS). In addition to their own self-assessments, both surveys are required to be completed by their supervisor, peers, and subordinates to provide them with 360° feedback on their leadership and management behaviors. They are responsible for ensuring that their assessors complete the LEI and SS surveys in a timely manner. The following must be done prior to the first in-person session:
  • Complete the LEI/SS (ELDP participant)
  • Complete the LEI/SS (participant’s supervisor)
  • Complete the LEI/SS (three of the participant’s peers)
  • Complete the LEI/SS (three of the participant’s subordinates - if applicable)
  • Obtain a signed Memorandum of Understanding between the ELDP participant’s supervisor and ELDP managers
  • Project team preferences
During the In-Person Session #1
The in-person kickoff session includes a variety of activities designed to help participants build an individual development plan (ILDP) and initiate several other long- term activities. During the first session participants will:
  • Develop relationships with participants, program instructors, and other stakeholders
  • Begin to recognize their behavioral preferences, professional strengths, and areas for growth
  • Identify their own social style and begin to appreciate style versatility
  • Enhance self-awareness as a leader and learn fundamentals of leadership
  • Discover the stages of team development and be assigned to a team project
  • Engage in team-building activities to facilitate successful team dynamics
  • Complete a draft project plan for participant team projects
  • Draft Individual Development Plan (ILDP) based on insights gained during the week
During Virtual Sequence #1
Assignments completed during Virtual Sequence #1 consist of homework from the first session that will serve as a roadmap throughout subsequent weeks and months. Participants will communicate with an instructor as they complete the following assignments:
  • Select a mentor and complete a mentoring contract
  • Write as a status report on their mentoring meetings
  • Seek approval of their Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP)
  • Write a status report on the progress of their ILDP
  • Conduct and report on three leadership interviews with leaders that they choose
  • Complete a 2-3 page report on a management book selected for this program

Virtual Sequence #1 also creates an opportunity to think about leadership in the context of the Pacific Islands and the challenges unique to island governments. Specifically, participants will:
  • Learn about the “5 Seeds of Leadership”
  • Report on and make adjustments to their ILDP
  • Present the status of their team project
During In-Person Session #2
The second in-person session, scheduled for April 17-22, 2023, in Pohnpei, is an in-depth case study of “Micro- Poly,” a fictional government facing a variety of challenges common to Pacific Island governments. Participant
  • teams will spend the majority of time examining the case study and preparing policy recommendations to address problems assigned to their team. Additionally, they will:
  • Present an update on their team project
  • Meet individually with instructors to update their ILDP
  • Learn about the process of working on a team
During Virtual Sequence #2
Virtual Sequence #2 will include a variety of demand- based content and learning activities. In addition, as we move toward the final in-person session, participants will complete the remainder of their assignments, including:
  • Conduct and report on three leader interviews with leaders that participants choose
  • Write a summary of what they have learned from their six leader interviews
  • Write a summary of what they have accomplished in their ILDP
  • Write a Program Impact Paper describing what they have learned over the course of the ten months
  • Prepare for their final team project presentation
During In-Person Session #3
The capstone session is a combination of guest speakers, topics of particular interest to the participant class, and a final presentation of team projects. It is a celebration of all that has been accomplished during the year. During the week participants will:
  • Engage in demand-based learning
  • Hear from guest speakers
  • Participate in “capstone” program activities
  • Present their final team project report to a panel of advisors, including representatives from the Department of Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs.
  • Complete an end of program evaluation

ELDP Skills Development

Session #1: Leading Self: Participants gain insight into their own leadership strengths and areas for improvement by reviewing results of two 360° instruments and participating in a variety of class activities. They also develop an Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP) to address their developmental needs. They leave the session with a schedule for ILDP implementation and due dates for reporting on other assignments throughout the program.

Session #2 and #4: Leading Others: Participants learn how to combine passion, reason, choice, empathy and discipline to lead others effectively by participating in highly interactive and experiential classroom activities.

Session #3: Leading Institutions: Participants are immersed in an in-depth case study to learn about the fiscal and economic challenges of small island governments, and to develop policy advocacy skills.

Session #5: Capstone – Looking to the Future: The final session is dedicated to reinforcing concepts learned throughout the year, to making final team project presentations, and to celebrating the participants’ learning during the ELDP. Participants will also create personal growth plans that focus on their next steps in developing as a leader.

During each of the above weeks, various guest speakers will address the group, and ELDP faculty will meet individually with participants to track their progress.

ELDP Session Descriptions

Program Preparation: Communication and complete assignments
  • Provide Biodata
  • Obtain a signed Memorandum of Understanding from your supervisor
  • Initiate team project preferences
  • Complete Social Styles (participant, supervisor, peers, and subordinates)
  • Complete Leadership Effectiveness Inventory (participant, supervisor, peers, and subordinates)
  • Identify possible mentors
  • Connect with ELDP alumni
In-Person Session #1: Leadership Fundamentals - Leading Self and Teams
  • Participate in a warm welcome to the ELDP and set the tone for the program
  • Provide program overview, timeline, assignments, and expectations
  • Build community and relationships among participants, ELDP staff, and other stakeholders
  • Begin the process of self-awareness as a leader
  • Learn about the importance of feedback and how to make the most of it
  • Develop a shared understanding of leadership fundamentals
  • Establish project teams and set them up for success
  • Provide numerous opportunities for questions, answers, and feedback

 Virtual Sequence #1: Five Seeds of Leadership – Leading Others (Part 1)

  • Share best practices for virtual etiquette and engagement
  • Maintain progress on individual leadership development plans and meet one on one with coach
  • Reinforce leadership concepts learned in IPS1
  • Engage with mentors, conduct leader interviews, and read leadership materials
  • Develop new leadership skills by knowing and sowing the Five Seeds of Leadership
  • Maintain project team progress through presentations and feedback
  • Individually support participants as they review their feedback and begin setting development goals

In-Person Session #2: Micro-Poly Case Study – Leading Institutions

  • Continue to develop relationships and community amongst the cohort
  • Interpret and use financial and economic information provided in government and consultancy reports
  • Develop alternative policy reform options to address issues relevant to island jurisdictions
  • Synthesize and communicate issues, findings, and policy recommendations to decision makers
  • Demonstrate effective policy advocacy skills using various leadership concepts and principles
  • Recognize individual and personal leadership skills in need of further development
  • Undertake higher level leadership positions in communities, organizations, and governments

Virtual Sequence #2: Five Seeds of Leadership – Leading Others (Part 2)

  • Develop new leadership skills by knowing and sowing the Five Seeds of Leadership
  • Maintain progress on team projects and Individual Leadership Development Plans
  • Allow opportunity for demand-driven content (informed by ILDP group challenges)
  • Present Team projects and receive feedback in final preparation for the last in person session
  • Conduct leadership interviews and communicate with mentors
  • Engage in one-on-one coaching

In-Person Session #3: Capstones, Celebrations, and the Road Ahead

  • Synthesize lessons learned throughout the program
  • Allow for demand-based content and activities based on cohort needs
  • Prepare participants to sustain their leadership development beyond the ELDP
  • Final team presentations to esteemed panel of judges
  • Lessons learned from team process and presentations
  • Identify and commit to next steps with the ILDP
  • Celebrate ELDP participants success and growth
  • Obtain program feedback

ELDP Schedule

The current schedule for the 2025 ELDP session has not been released. Please check back later.


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Island Government Finance Officers Association Holds a Successful Annual Meeting in Orlando

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