Kysha Blyden-Wallace

Updated September 18, 2021
Kysha Blyden- Wallace is the St. Thomas/St. John Environmental Educator for the Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority. In this capacity, Kysha coordinates public outreach events and activities, conducts classroom presentations, coordinates the Authority's annual march against litter (Litter Stomp Parades), and represents the Authority on various multi-agency outreach committees. Since joining the Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority, Kysha has been actively involved in initiating special projects. Due to her planning, directing and managing skills, Kysha is often assigned additional tasks outside her scope of duties as Environment Educator. Prior to joining the Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority, Kysha worked for the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources.
Kysha's professional background is diverse. She has interned with Potomac Communications and CNN in Washington, D.C. She has also worked with the Patent and Trademark Office and the Marriott Frenchman's Reef Hotel. In the area of Communications, Kysha has worked as a Public Relations Specialist at the Virgin Islands Legislature and as a Radio and Television Show Host (WSTA Radio, WTJX TV). Kysha currently hosts the Saturday Morning Show on WSTA Radio and is also host and co-producer of Focus VI Radio Magazine on WSTA Radio. She has interviewed local officials including Former Governor Dr. Roy Schneider, US Ambassador Terence Todman, Retired Judge Eileen Petersen, VI Inspector General Steven van Beverhoudt, Brigadier General Timothy L. Lake and others. As an active member of her church, Kysha serves as a liturgist, Sunday School Teacher and Vice Chair of the Board of Elders. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from the Mount Vernon College now known as the Mount Vernon Campus of the George Washington University. Kysha is married and has two daughters.
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