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eldp-white Ealani Flores

Guam location

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Calendar iconUpdated December 05, 2022

Ealani Flores serves as the Outreach Coordinator for the University of Guam's Professional and International Programs. In this capacity, Ealani serves as the gatekeeper to the University's international relationships by creating and promoting educational programs to more than five thousand international students a year. Ealani works to bridge the students of the University of Guam to the rest of the world by engaging them in study abroad programs which in turn expands their worldview and creates opportunity for cross-cultural experiences. Prior to her current position with the University of Guam, Ealani served as a Policy Analyst in both the minority and majority parties at the Government of Guam Legislature. Her last role as Policy Analyst was with the Committee on Appropriations and Adjudication under the chairmanship of Vice Speaker Benjamin JF Cruz. Prior to working for the Guam Legislature, Ealani led a team of researchers to justify an increase in federal reimbursement for the government's subsidized lunch and breakfast programs as Program Coordinator for the School Lunch and Breakfast Cost Study through the University of Guam's Cooperative Extension Services. Ealani graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Political Science. Her dedication to government service further led her to pursue a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the University of Guam, graduating with honors from the program and earning her place in both the Pi Sigma Alpha - Political Science National Honor Society and the Alpha Phi Sigma - National Criminal Justice Honor Society. Throughout these many roles, Ealani is also known as Staff Sergeant, having served over seven (7) years in the United States Air Force Reserves as a Nationally Certified Emergency Medical Technician.

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Island Governments Address Audit and Workforce Challenges at IGFOA 2024 Winter Meeting

Calendar iconDec 19, 2024

news widget detailed news by  Monique WedderburnMonique

The Island Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) convened its annual winter meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, from December 10-12, 2024. The conference brought together public sector finance leaders and their staff from across the insular jurisdictions, including the Commonwealth of the...

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Association of Pacific Island Public Auditors Successfully Completes 35th Annual Conference in Koror, Palau

Calendar iconOct 02, 2024

news widget detailed news by  Monique WedderburnMonique

The 35th Annual Association of Pacific Islands Public Auditors (APIPA) Conference, themed "Bridging the Gap of Public Accountability and Transparency," and nicknamed APIPA 2024, successfully concluded in Koror, Palau, on August 30, 2024.

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Photos from recent activities hosted by the Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI) in support of conferences, training and leadership development, are available below.