Team Members

Kevin O’Keefe
Kevin O'Keefe had a 22-year career in economic development from 1982-2004, starting as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Samoa and later working in 18 countries as an economic adviser. He specialized in macroeconomic policy, international trade and development finance. His work was sponsored by the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and the UN Development Program.
Since 2004, Kevin has worked as a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones Investments with his own office in Kapolei, Hawaii. He has individual, business and institutional clients throughout the US as well as in the Freely Associated States. Kevin offers his time to complete economic advisory tasks on a range of issues for the Freely Associated States for activities that are requested by the respective governments. In this capacity, he has been significantly involved as an advisor to the FSM since 1995 and to the RMI since 2008. He has been assisting Palau as economic advisor for Compact Review matters since October 2007.
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