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Featured image of news interiors-office-of-insular-affairs-announces-executive-leadership-development-program-for-public-sector-officials-from-the-us-virgin-islands

Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs Announces Executive Leadership Development Program for Public Sector Officials from the U.S. Virgin Islands

The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 2022 - 2023 cohort of the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP). Public sector employees working for the U.S. Virgin Islands...

news subscribe icon Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs Announces Executive Leadership Development Program for Public Sector Officials from the U.S. Virgin IslandsRead More
Featured image of news asg-ethical-decision-making

Sixty-One American Samoa Government Ethics Officers Complete PITI-VITI’s Ethical Decision-Making Workshop

Calendar iconApr 01, 2022

all news page news by  Ciara SantiagoCiara Santiago

On March 21 and March 28, 2022, sixty-one American Samoa government ethics officers, representing the designated ethics officials for American Samoa Government (ASG) departments, took part in a government-wide training initiative delivered by the Pacific & Virgin Islands Training Initiatives...

news subscribe icon Sixty-One American Samoa Government Ethics Officers Complete PITI-VITI’s Ethical Decision-Making WorkshopRead More
Featured image of news winter-igfoa-march-2022

Island Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) Meets Virtually to Discuss Vital Regional Finance Issues

The Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI) has successfully supported the Island Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) to complete its annual winter conference. On March 24, 2022, sixty government finance officers and officials from US insular governments convened for...

news subscribe icon Island Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) Meets  Virtually to Discuss Vital Regional Finance IssuesRead More
Featured image of news congratulations-eldp-cohort-vii

Congratulations to the 2021-2022 Executive Leadership Development Program Participants!

The Graduate School USA’s Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI), congratulates the twenty-three new Pacific Islands graduates who successfully completed the Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP). A virtual commencement honoring current and future leaders in public...

news subscribe icon Congratulations to the 2021-2022 Executive Leadership Development Program Participants!Read More
Featured image of news eldp-whipps

H.E. Surangel S. Whipps, Jr., President of the Republic of Palau, surprises the 2021 Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) class.

Calendar iconFeb 01, 2022

all news page news by  Ciara SantiagoCiara Santiago

Quarter 4 of the Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) commenced Monday, January 24, 2022. The twenty-three ELDP participants are in the final stretch of completing the program, which is supported by the Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs and administered by the...

news subscribe icon H.E. Surangel S. Whipps, Jr., President of the Republic of Palau, surprises the 2021 Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) class.Read More