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ELDP Participants Learn to Navigate Leadership Roles in the Pacific Islands

The Graduate School USA’s Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives held the first session of the 2023 Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) in Guam from December 6-13, 2022. The ELDP was commissioned by the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs in 2008 and aims to help insular governments develop and retain qualified and skilled staff for the future.

Over the week-long program, ELDP participants engaged in various sessions focused on building community, increasing self-awareness, and building project teams. In addition to individual coaching sessions, participants studied concepts such as managing and leading change, improving emotional intelligence, and the importance of health. The ELDP participants also received results from two 360-degree assessment surveys - The Leadership Effectiveness Inventory and Social Styles. The survey results will be used to create Individual Leadership Development Plans (ILDP) that help participants target their development efforts and make progress toward becoming more effective leaders. Participants were also organized into project teams and tasked with addressing critical economic, health, financial and social issues impacting the fictional country of “Micro-Poly.” The project teams will engage in this case study to develop proposals and to present recommendations for policy changes, new programs, and other strategies to address these critical issues.

The ELDP featured guest speakers who shared their leadership experiences and insights on the unique challenges and opportunities of leading in the Pacific Islands. These speakers included Rev. Francis X. Hezel, SJ, Hon. Joshua "Josh" Franquez Tenorio, Lieutenant Governor; Dr. Stevenson Quartei, MD; Mr. Larry Raigetal, Traditional Navigator; Hon. James Moylan, Congressman-Elect and Hon. Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero, Governor of Guam and the first female governor of the territory. Governor Leon Guerrero shared stories from her career as a nurse and emphasized the importance of respect and listening in leadership.

As a nurse, I learned the importance of listening to and understanding my patients' needs and concerns. This same principle applies to leadership. It's crucial to listen to and understand the needs and concerns of the people you lead and to approach decision-making with respect for their perspectives and experiences."

Mr. Benjamin Cruz, Public Auditor of Guam; Dr. Mary Okada, President of Guam Community College; Mr. Artemio "Ricky" Hernandez, Ph.D., Deputy Executive Manager of the Guam Airport; and Ms. Anna Mendiola, CEO and President of the Federated States of Micronesia Development Bank, also provided guidance to the participants. These experienced leaders shared valuable insights and skills on their leadership journeys and offered advice to the participants as they navigate their own leadership roles in the Pacific Islands.

The first session of the 2023 Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) in Guam was a success, offering participants valuable insights and skills for their leadership roles in the Pacific Islands. From December 2022 to March 2023, the ELDP participants will transition to the second virtual session, which will focus on "Leading Others: Five Seeds of Leadership."

Meet the Participants of the ELDP Class of 2023

ELDP 2023 Biographies

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Calendar icon ELDP 2023 BiographiesDec 21, 2022

Calendar icon 2 ELDP 2023 Biographies2.24 MB

View Photos from ELDP Session 1 (Guam)

ELDP VIII Session 1 (Guam)

The Office of Insular Affairs provides funding support for the ELDP, which is administered by the Graduate School USA’s Pacific & Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI). Additional information on the ELDP can be found at Find information about PITI-VITI and our work at, Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, and LinkedIn.

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News Detail Page icon ELDP Participants Learn to Navigate Leadership Roles in the Pacific Islands

ELDP Participants Learn to Navigate Leadership Roles in the Pacific Islands

Featured image on news navigating-leadership-in-the-pacific-islands
Hon. Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero, Governor of Guam and Hon. Joshua "Josh" Franquez Tenorio, Lieutenant Governor joined the ELDP 2023 Cohort at the Alumni Reception.

The Graduate School USA’s Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives held the first session of the 2023 Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) in Guam from December 6-13, 2022. The ELDP was commissioned by the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs in 2008 and aims to help insular governments develop and retain qualified and skilled staff for the future.

Over the week-long program, ELDP participants engaged in various sessions focused on building community, increasing self-awareness, and building project teams. In addition to individual coaching sessions, participants studied concepts such as managing and leading change, improving emotional intelligence, and the importance of health. The ELDP participants also received results from two 360-degree assessment surveys - The Leadership Effectiveness Inventory and Social Styles. The survey results will be used to create Individual Leadership Development Plans (ILDP) that help participants target their development efforts and make progress toward becoming more effective leaders. Participants were also organized into project teams and tasked with addressing critical economic, health, financial and social issues impacting the fictional country of “Micro-Poly.” The project teams will engage in this case study to develop proposals and to present recommendations for policy changes, new programs, and other strategies to address these critical issues.

The ELDP featured guest speakers who shared their leadership experiences and insights on the unique challenges and opportunities of leading in the Pacific Islands. These speakers included Rev. Francis X. Hezel, SJ, Hon. Joshua "Josh" Franquez Tenorio, Lieutenant Governor; Dr. Stevenson Quartei, MD; Mr. Larry Raigetal, Traditional Navigator; Hon. James Moylan, Congressman-Elect and Hon. Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero, Governor of Guam and the first female governor of the territory. Governor Leon Guerrero shared stories from her career as a nurse and emphasized the importance of respect and listening in leadership.

As a nurse, I learned the importance of listening to and understanding my patients' needs and concerns. This same principle applies to leadership. It's crucial to listen to and understand the needs and concerns of the people you lead and to approach decision-making with respect for their perspectives and experiences."

Mr. Benjamin Cruz, Public Auditor of Guam; Dr. Mary Okada, President of Guam Community College; Mr. Artemio "Ricky" Hernandez, Ph.D., Deputy Executive Manager of the Guam Airport; and Ms. Anna Mendiola, CEO and President of the Federated States of Micronesia Development Bank, also provided guidance to the participants. These experienced leaders shared valuable insights and skills on their leadership journeys and offered advice to the participants as they navigate their own leadership roles in the Pacific Islands.

The first session of the 2023 Executive Leadership Development Program (ELDP) in Guam was a success, offering participants valuable insights and skills for their leadership roles in the Pacific Islands. From December 2022 to March 2023, the ELDP participants will transition to the second virtual session, which will focus on "Leading Others: Five Seeds of Leadership."

Meet the Participants of the ELDP Class of 2023

ELDP 2023 Biographies

Category Tags:


Calendar icon ELDP 2023 BiographiesDec 21, 2022

Calendar icon 2 ELDP 2023 Biographies2.24 MB

View Photos from ELDP Session 1 (Guam)

ELDP VIII Session 1 (Guam)

The Office of Insular Affairs provides funding support for the ELDP, which is administered by the Graduate School USA’s Pacific & Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI). Additional information on the ELDP can be found at Find information about PITI-VITI and our work at, Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, and LinkedIn.

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Photos from recent activities hosted by the Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI) in support of conferences, training and leadership development, are available below.